Approved for All Ages

Watch and Talk Volume 3

Watch & Talk is an easy and exciting way to engage your family in devotions that are fun, open-ended, and biblically based.

1. Love Your Enemies: The Parable of the Good Samaritan re-cast in the arena of a heated modern sports rivalry: New York and Boston.
2. The Parable of the Rabbits: A furry little film about responsibility, from Jesus; Parable of the Talents.
3. The Car of Great Price: The Kingdom of Heaven is like a 1968 Camero.
4. The Corrupt Judge: This Judge cares for neither God nor others, yet even he relents in the end to the persistent pleas of Sincere.
5. The Stone and the Snack: Parents know how to give good gifts to their children. How much more so does God?

It’s just so simple! Just…
A. Watch the short film (10 minutes or less).
B. Read the short scripture suggestion.
C. Dive into a few simple questions that are designed to help your family discover what God may be trying to say to you today.
Negative Rating
Positive Rating

Dove Review

This is a dynamic DVD which brings the parables of Christ to life by setting them in modern times. Actress and singer Rebecca St. James hosts this DVD series. In ‘Love Your Enemies” we find the Parable of the Good Samaritan and in this case a Boston Red Sox fan helps a wounded New York Yankees fan lying near death in the street. Now that is being a good neighbor!

In “The Parable of the Rabbits” we see the parable of the talents, and three individuals, Billy, Stephanie and Randy are given duties to breed and care for rabbits while the owners are away. Two of them perform well but one lazy individual does nothing with his rabbits. In “The Car of Great Price” young Joshua is taking driver’s training and soon spots a car he wants to buy for his own. This story matches the Parable of the Pearl of Great Price. Joshua has an Internet garage sale and sells many items including his golf clubs and boom box in order to raise funds to purchase the car that means so much to him. In “The Corrupt Judge” a wicked judge doesn’t want to help a wronged lady named “Sincere” but she is persistent and keeps going before him until she wears him down. This is based on the woman going before the unjust judge. Finally, in “The Stone and the Snake” a couple of hungry kids come in at meal time and are given a stone and in another case a snake instead of a meal. Finally we see them in another scenario receiving the meal they desire. This is based on Matthew 7 and the fact Christ said those who ask for bread won’t be given a stone and those who ask for fish won’t be given a snake. God’s people are encouraged to ask God to meet their needs.

Scriptures for the stories are given and questions for a discussion in the form of a study guide which comes with the DVD. This is a terrific set and great educational tool for Bible studies and home studies. We highly recommend this DVD set and award it five Doves and that’s our highest rating. This DVD and Bible Study set is recommended for all ages.

Dove Rating Details




In a non-graphic scene some muggers harm a New York Yankees fan who winds up on the ground, unconscious; a man in court is seen with a bloody wound near eye.


Husband and wife kiss.




In a non-graphic scene some muggers harm a New York Yankees fan who winds up on the ground, unconscious; a man in court is seen with a bloody wound near eye.






A couple briefly yells at an employee who did not do his job.

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