Approved for 12+


Khumbula means "to remember" in Zulu. In this parable, children learn to overcome as it makes us stronger. If we follow our Heavenly Father's directions we will be able to overcome and mature in life's journey.
Negative Rating
Positive Rating

Dove Review

“Khumbula: I Will Remember” is a suspenseful drama. James (Frans Cronjé), has a visit from his son, Jamie (Manie Kohn). James’s ex-wife, Molly (Suzi Rochford-Botha), brings Jamie to him from Ireland to Africa. Their marriage fell apart because she wanted to go back to her native Ireland and he wanted to stay in Africa. However, they both love their son. Jamie loves the gaming preserve on which his father lives, although poachers are a common problem there. Jamie gets permission from both parents to go to a special camp with some friends for a few days. At the end, he and his two friends are left behind when the bus leaves, and they come across some poachers. The poachers kidnap them, and one of them wants to kill the three boys. Only from remembering the lessons his dad taught him about survival, Jamie escapes and stays alive, while the other two boys are still held captive. But when the poachers begin to pursue Jamie, his life is in danger. He uses the skills his father taught him to leave a trail for his father who, sure enough, is in pursuit of his son, too. The question is, who will find Jamie first: the poachers or his father?

The movie features Scripture and faith messages, including James’s admonition to another dad, that there is still time for him to be a good father. The scenery is beautiful, too, and features giraffes, rhinos, and other wild animals. We are pleased to award this “adventure and suspense” film our “Faith-Friendly” Seal for ages 12 and older.

Dove Rating Details




Man shoots at man; man shoots at animals; a boy shoves another boy; a bloody animal is caught in a trap; an animal is hanging in a tree; a boy gets a fishing hook near his eye after the fishing line is cast, but the injury is not shown; a man grabs boys; man holds gun on boys and later on just one boy; boys are kidnapped; a few fights; gun goes off in a struggle, and a bad man is killed.


Kissing between a husband and wife; a woman says something about her husband being "with her."


Da*mit-1; Shut up-1; I hate you-1; Butt-1; Ba*tard-1


Man shoots at man; man shoots at animals; a boy shoves another boy; a bloody animal is caught in a trap; an animal is hanging in a tree; a boy gets a fishing hook near his eye after the fishing line is cast, but the injury is not shown; a man grabs boys; man holds gun on boys and later on just one boy; boys are kidnapped; a few fights; gun goes off in a struggle, and a bad man is killed.


The drinking of wine in a scene.


Shirtless man in a few scenes.


Tension between characters; man spits in anger; talk of man and woman's divorce; a sick boy faints.

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