ALL AGES: No negative elements 0-1
12+: Contains negative elements at 2
18+: Contains negative elements at 3+
Dove Reviewed: These are films that have been reviewed, so as a viewer you are informed about the content of the film.
Faith (Positive elements)
0-1: No overt Christian message
2-3: Christian implications of redemptive / grace / hope message
4-5: Overt message about God’s mercy, grace, following Jesus
Integrity (Positive elements)
0-1: No good models for general good character traits
2-3: Good moments of high/good/positive characters with integrity
4-5: Excellent examples of “whole character” integrity or arc of significant positive change
Sexuality (Negative elements)
0: none
1: on-screen acts of romance
2: infidelity; implied pre-marital sex by lead characters with consequences
3: inappropriate sexual relations without consequences
4-5: graphic sexual activity is heard and/or seen
Language (Negative elements)
0: none
1: Few utterances of mild crude language
2: Few utterances of mild obscenity, non-profane expletives
3: Crude and obscene language throughout film
4-5: Extreme Profanity and any uses of extreme sexual language
Violence (Negative elements)
0: none
1: Mild non-graphic violence, comic violence; characters involved in mildly violent situations
2: Violence involving fighting or weapons; off-screen killings
3: Gratuitous and graphic violence involving weapons such as guns, knives, bombs, etc.
4-5: Extreme graphic violence, blood, decapitation, bludgeoning, etc.
Drugs (Negative elements)
0: none
1: occasional drinking by secondary characters
2: historically accurate use of alcohol and tobacco products
3: continuous drinking and drug use common throughout; on-screen drug use
4-5: frequent drug/alcohol use by main character(s) shown in a positive light
Nudity (Negative elements)
0: none
1: baby’s behind; shirtless men, low cut shirts, short skirts
2: rear nudity that is not suggestive such as skinny dipping from a distance; cleavage; swimming attire such as bikinis if appropriate to the story
3: sexually suggestive and revealing clothing or under garments
4-5: frontal nudity
Other (Negative elements)
Disrespect for authority, lying, cheating, stealing, illegal activity, frightening scenes, demonic or similar references
0: none
1: mild-moderate with consequences, positive shifts
2: moderate poor behavior with positive shifts
3: moderate-heavy behavior with no consequences
4-5: extreme portrayals, condoned or excused