Approved for 12+

Somebodys Daughter

Challenge: How do you show addiction? There is an initial draw, suffocating persistence and devastating effects. When asked by Nashville organization “Music for the Soul” to create a visual reality of the devastating effects of pornography without the program itself looking pornographic, we asked ourselves a basic question; “How is pornography a violation of innocence?” The Documentary “Somebody’s Daughter” was born.

Course of Action: Rather than talk just about the destructive effects of pornography, we decided reveal the stories of hope that came from the ashes of this devastating addiction. The interviewees tell the story of falling through this thin veil of deception into a dark reality that demands loyalty and leaves you in ruins yet not out of reach of the forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ. Our creative treatment was to allow the audience to hear these stories in a 3rd party application but to insert short silent vignettes that show the addiction in action. These vignettes were designed for the viewer to contemplate the possibilities of their own battle with this addiction.

Effect: Since its completion, the final documentary has been nationally broadcasted several times and has been released nationally with requests for global distribution coming in from the UK, Germany, Australia and Japan. To date we have received thousands of emails commenting on the positive effects this project has had personally and for family and friends that struggle with this devastating addiction.
Negative Rating
Positive Rating

Dove Review

This is an excellent documentary on the battles some men, married men, face against pornography. Several men speak candidly but not graphically about their addictions and one man’s wife joins him as she tells how she felt when she learned he was addicted to it. The men state they found their wives to be desirable and wonderful companions but the fantasy aspects of pornography drew them in. Fortunately, they had wives who were willing to stand with them as they fought against this stronghold. One man compares the seduction of this industry to a mouse seeing a baited trap, not realizing what the trap truly means. Another man states that men cannot ignore moral boundaries.

As this DVD offers up hope for men dealing with this addiction, it is to be commended. The men all say they began to gain victory when they opened up and talked to someone about the addiction. One man comments that sex is a gift which must include boundaries within love and that it is a sacred covenant. This DVD deals of course with a sensitive topic and the audience needs to be mature in order to comprehend its importance. We are recommending the DVD for twelve plus and suggest parents sitting down with their sons to watch it and to answer questions. This DVD we believe will help countless men who view it. There are no graphic images and it is handled carefully and tastefully. We therefore award our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal to this documentary.

Dove Rating Details






Talk about being drawn into pornography but no images are shown.










A woman weeps as she discusses how she felt when she learned her husband had viewed pornographic images; a pastor admits to struggling with pornography and was fearful he would be caught; the accessibility of pornography is mentioned; a few men admit to the shame they felt.

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