Approved for All Ages

Boys of Valor (4 DVD Set)

A superhero team of brothers fighting against spiritual wickedness and evil, armed with faith lasers (not guns) special martial arts skills, and the power of the Holy Bible, these young boys display courage in the midst of battle while delivering their friends and community from dangers that range from the terrible Evil Bots to the bully on the street corner. And while they did it, they also help teach about literacy, math, and science skills along the way. This action-packed animated series is full of faith-based adventure, drama, and fun for kids of all ages.
Negative Rating
Positive Rating

Dove Review

This is a terrific animated series with the Boys of Valor bringing their “old time religion” to a contemporary audience, complete with faith laser battles and high energy. The boys, Jerry the oldest, Calvin, Samuel, Daniel, Timothy, Micah and David, battle dark-faced evil spirits and also red and yellow faced enemies. They use faith laser swords and martial arts moves including punching and kicking. They know how to knock down the demons with spiritual warfare!

This is a unique four-disc DVD set which features the following episodes: Disc One: “The Spirit of Division”, a short called “Anger” and “Physical Science”; Disc Two: “Mr. Gun Control”, “Full Throttle” and “Alphabet”; Disc Three: “The Thankful Heart”, a short called “Maurice and the Snowball”, a short called “Ninja Vanish” and a short called “Multiplication” and “On the Couch”. Finally, Disc Four: “Captain Doubt”, an “Inside Look” with a character, David a.k.a. “Maurice” and a short called “Positive Faith.”

This is a terrific series which kids will love and it focuses on spiritual warfare. As the demons set out to pit people against each other and to focus on mind games, the Boys of Valor fight with the Word of God and their swords of faith and they do great harm to these demonic forces. There is nothing frightening or over the top and we believe this is a solid series, imaginative, and worth viewing. It deals with various issues including one featuring a kid that is angry because his parents do drugs and he feels forsaken. This is the only element that might be a bit much for younger children but they will relate well to everything else in this series. With an emphasis on keeping a thankful heart, unity with others, and a focus on God, we are pleased to award this fantastic DVD set our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for all ages. This would make a great Sunday school or kid’s class tool for spirtual warfare lessons.

Dove Rating Details




Boys of Valor use martial arts, punching and kicking, and faith lasers on evil spirits.




H (as a place)-2; Idiot/Idiots-5; Fool-1; Punks-3; Suckers-1


Boys of Valor use martial arts, punching and kicking, and faith lasers on evil spirits.


A boy mentions his parents use drugs and it makes him angry.


Girl with bare midriff.


Evil cartoon-looking creatures are evil spirits and some have black faces, others are red and yellow; a green character is evil; spiritual battles against them by the Boys of Valor.

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