I liked the ending, it offered hope for earthlings in the year 2154. Unfortunately, this is one of the most violent movies I have ever seen and several people left early at the screening I attended. It features a man’s face exploding and we see him in a graphic scene afterward, missing his face. It also features several other bloody scenes which are the results of stabbings and shootings. In one scene a tech device is implanted in a man and we see him opened up along with the ugly wound and the blood. This is not the only content issue as far as family viewing. It contains so many F words I lost count not to mention a ton of other language including Biblical profanity (GD, JC). It is a shame the writer wasn’t more creative. Anyone could stick in a profanity every other sentence but to come up with clever dialog is apparently a dying talent.
This one is dark and grim and doesn’t come close to earning our Dove Seal for family friendly viewing.