What a terrific and inspiring movie! This animated film beautifully recreates the betrothal of Joseph and Mary, the angel’s announcement to Mary that she would give birth to a son who would be named Jesus, and the birth of Jesus in the stable in Bethlehem. The story is wonderfully told with vivid animation, terrific songs sung by various characters including Joseph and Mary, and scripture as the foundation of the story. Mary sings her Magnificat, her hymn of praise, and it is beautifully sung in this animated feature.
The themes include God’s love in sending his only Son to earth, and that nothing is impossible with God. This movie can be used as a wonderful tool for Christmas programs in church or to teach children the story of the Nativity but it is well worth watching whenever the viewer can see it. We are pleased to award this remarkable and inspiring DVD five Doves, our best rating, and we recommend it for all ages. We insure you that “The Promise: Birth of the Messiah” is a DVD to be enjoyed.