Pain is temporary when you follow God! This movie clearly illustrates the realities of life but also the hope one has in following God. Jake Reeson (Joel Smallbone) hits the bottle often as he deals with the hurt of being raised alone by his mother after his father abandoned them. The father, Bo (Billy Ray Cyrus), left after he was accidentally involved in a tragic automobile accident involving his five year old daughter, and Jake’s sister, Lily. Bo is dealing with his own pain, believing he did the right thing to leave Jake and Jake’s mother Mia, understanding that he was verbally abusing them and drinking to escape the pain of a family tragedy.
Becca, Jake’s old girlfriend, comes back into his life but she is changed as she now is a Christian. She wants to help Jake but old ways don’t always die easy and Jake continues to drink and to push away those who want to be there for him. It’s when he hits rock bottom that he finally realizes he needed to be looking up all along. This movie is a powerful film about life’s pain, forgiveness, and second chances. We are more than pleased to award it our Family Approved Seal for ages twelve and above. The movie, directed by Johnny Remo, features some strong performances by the actors including Joel Smallbone as Jake and Billy Ray Cyrus as Bo. The scene between them at the end is moving. For anyone who has ever needed a second chance, this movie is for you. The movie title is based on a song about life being like a country song but this one shows that the negative can be turned around to the positive. You just might enjoy the music too! This could be a powerful church evangelistic tool for older kids and adults.