This is a movie about a family for families! Kirk Cameron stars as John Miller, a man whose company is being targeted by the local town council who collectively hope to profit from it but at John’s expense. Included in the plot is the story of John’s son Cody who plays baseball for the Pirates and seeks to improve. Just as baseball is a nine inning game, John and his wife Maddie (Chelsea Cameron) learn slowly but progressively about trusting God, patience, and mercy! As in baseball, all nine innings must be played before the final score is tallied.
Cameron does a terrific job as does his wife Chelsea and also Tim Hawkins as Uncle Ben and Bas Rutten as the baseball coach. The film focuses on the need for ethics and doing one’s best. This movie is family friendly with a slant toward trusting God and also features the family having fun. For example, Cody’s dad grabs him and tickles him. We are pleased to award it our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for all ages. Enjoy watching this one with your family.