“Hamlet’s Ghost” features a lot of things, including time jumping, several mysteries, a little humor, and what looks like a repeated murder but with the assailant becoming the victim and the victim becoming the assailant. One piece of advice: don’t go to the bathroom without hitting the pause button or you will definitely get lost as the plot is constantly in motion. One of the humorous scenes involves the main character, Judge Vaughn (Walker Haynes), telling someone, “Keep an eye on me and if anything happens to me, send a DeLorean!”
An actor that performs “Hamlet” seems to have performed the play in 1920 as well. An officer named Bo Hawkins (Glen Mac) wants to know the true story behind his great grandfather being accused of murder despite the fact there were no witnesses that saw him commit the act. Judge solicits the help of a paranormal expert named Hannah (Ida Anderson) but they discover the time jumping truth and they work to discover who is behind it.
This film receives our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for ages twelve plus due to a few violent moments which feature blood and due to the sophisticated themes. “Hamlet’s Ghost” will keep you guessing as to what comes next!