“Hero” is a terrific must-see movie! The film focuses on a man named Joe Finn, who once coached his son and his team, the Gappers, to the State Championship. His son, David, threw a no-hitter in the big game. Now seven years have passed in which Joe left the family for a while, attempting to find wealth so that he could give them more. Unfortunately, his wife Hannah was struck with cancer, and Joe made it back home to share only two weeks with her before she died. David is now grown, coaching the Miller Gap Gappers, and bitter at his father for his absence from home. Joe notices that things have changed and the Gappers are no longer the team they used to be. His passion to do things right and to get the fathers of the players involved soon stirs things up but he also begins to get results. The bloopers by the players before they improve will bring some chuckles to viewers.
Soon he forms his own league and the head of the county league, and coach of the Sharks, Bill Dawson, agrees to a one game meeting. If the Gappers win, Dawson will allow Joe’s team to continue and recognize them and if not, he won’t. The climax features a great baseball game and some surprises, including a few dads showing up for their sons, one who has been in prison. This inspiring and dramatic movie, “Hero”, features strong performances from Burgess Jenkins as Joe, Justin Miles as his son David, R. Keith Harris as Winston Heller, Mark Joy as Fred, and Gregory Allan Williams as Warden Kent Redding. The themes include forgiveness and the willingness to move forward. One great line in the movie is, “It doesn’t say to honor thy father and thy mother only if they’re perfect.” We are most happy to award our Faith Friendly Seal to this movie for all ages. “Hero” has earned our best rating, five Doves. The ending is terrific. Watch it and be inspired!