Approved for 12+

Go Far: The Christopher Rush Story

At the age of seven months, Christopher Rush was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, and his parents were told he would be "no more than a dishrag, and dead by the age of two." Christopher lived to 30, and in that time he achieved more than most able-bodied people do in a lifetime including becoming the first quadriplegic in the United States licensed as a scuba diver. He was the manager of his high school basketball team; he went to prom; he graduated from the University of Michigan with honors; and he graduated with a Juris Doctor from Wayne State University.

Shortly before his death, Chris developed a motivational program called GO FAR, a series of steps that could help guide people who wanted to achieve their goals despite the insurmountable obstacles in front of them. His mission was to share this program with those with disabilities, and by his definition, "Everyone has a disability." This film is Chris' life story and a continuation of his work; it will inspire not only those with disabilities, but everyone, to follow their dreams, no matter the obstacles.

The film is narrated by actor Mark Hamill as the voice of Christopher Rush.
Negative Rating
Positive Rating

Dove Review

“Go Far: The Christopher Rush Story” is an incredible viewing experience! It is inspiring and dramatic as it shares the true life story of Christopher Rush, who was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy at just seven months old, and yet went on to live an amazing life that some people would envy. Chris graduated from high school and the University of Michigan, as well as law school, and lived well past the two years of age his parents were told he might reach. In fact, he managed to cram a lot into his thirty years on Earth. He came out with the “Go Far” guide to life and the acronym was centered on Goals, Obstacles, Focus, Act, and Review.

He was first a poster child for MD in his local home state of Michigan and then became an international poster child. He met Jerry Lewis, President Reagan, Tony Orlando, Sammy Davis, Jr., Rickey Henderson, as well as many other famous people. His motto was, “I never give up” and he lived by it. Examples of his sense of humor are featured too. We also see the powerful influence his parents had on his life, Richard and Dorie, as well as how his faith in God kept hope alive in his life. In fact, he wrote about his confidence in God’s love. This fantastic documentary is narrated by Mark Hamill, and interestingly enough, Chris was a big “Star Wars” fan. “Go Far: The Christopher Rush Story” will touch you, stir you, and ultimately inspire you. We are pleased to award it five Doves, our highest rating, and recommend it for ages twelve plus although parents should consult the content listing as they might be fine with kids a bit younger viewing it. This is a terrific story about one amazing young man.

Dove Rating Details






Just a few comments about a man never being able to share intimate moments.


D-1; there is the bleeping of the "A" word.




Wine seen in photo; a doctor gave Chris a bottle of wine to open for his 21st birthday, ahead of time; a comment about a young man hitting on girls in the bars; a comment about partying and a Bloody Mary being someone's favorite drink; a drinking scene with a toast.


A photo with cleavage in it; people in bathing suits and swimwear.


Death and grief; a man's ashes are spread out at sea.

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