“God The Father” is a chilling insider account of life in the Cosa Nostra crime syndicate. But, if that was the whole story, then it wouldn’t qualify as Faith-based. What distinguishes this from other mobster movies is that it is told first-person from one of the mob captains in the Colombo family who discovered a difference between a life of crime and a life with Christ.
After nearly 2 decades as an insider in the Mob and two lengthy incarcerations for racketeering and corruption, Michael Franzese’s comfort was in the love he had for his crime boss father, “Sonny” Franzese, who introduced Michael to the “life”. Once Michael discovered that his father betrayed him and was complicit in a contract on his life, he turned away from his earthly father and toward a Heavenly Father who could provide unconditional comfort and solace. Michael’s introduction to the Lord came from his wife, Cammy, and his mother-in-law who were both Christians.
In spite of his successful life and a corrupt “entrepreneur” taking in $1-10 million a week, he felt alone and lost while serving time in prison. While looking for a way out of the crime family, he found that Jesus would provide him a way into the Family of God. Michael shares the story of his conversion and his wife and daughters share the fear and sadness they endured beforehand and the joy they share today.
This movie is compelling and true, which makes it gritty and in some cases rough. Michael’s favorite scripture reveals the Hope he now has in Christ. Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord With all thine Heart and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he will direct thy paths.” We are pleased to award this intriguing film our Dove “Faith-Based” Seal with a Caution for Stylized Violence.