“Big Hero 6” is ingenious, imaginative, action-packed, and funny! The plot revolves around a character named Hiro and the large robot Baymax, a robot that had the kids in the screening audience laughing with delight on more than one occasion. In fact, the adults were laughing as well.
Baymax does things like give fist bumps and then lift his fingers up afterwards, and he makes a funny sound when he does which resulted in chuckles from the audience. His function is to make sure the humans stay healthy, but he is loaded with personality too. The times he deflates himself to fit into certain tight spots are hilarious. The animation is cutting-edge stuff and looks terrific. Hiro wants to attend the Nerd Lab and then the college, encouraged by his older brother to do so. A tragedy occurs, a character seeks revenge and it will take Baymax’s help to make sure Hiro doesn’t go over the edge with his emotions. The movie features themes of loyalty and forgiveness and is not to be missed! We are happy to award it five Doves, and that’s as high as we go. “Big Hero 6” has earned our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for all ages. This is one entertaining movie.