Approved for 12+

Roadmap Genesis

"Roadmap Genesis" is a film that makes the case that the biblical book of Genesis is a road map containing guideposts on how to live a productive, fruitful, and fulfilling life. That kind of life will help society lift itself out of its current decline and return it to prosperity, promise and accomplishment.

When filmmaker Nolan Lebovitz found himself at a crossroads in his life, he knew he had to choose between continuing to make the Hollywood suspense thrillers that were his livelihood and trying to make the world a better place for his new, young family. After much struggle, he found his answer in the book of Genesis.

Armed with this discovery, Nolan made a drastic life change. He decided to study to become a rabbi. As his seminary work progressed, he realized that he needed to share his epiphany with others. But how?

He decided to combine his love for the book of Genesis with his passion for film-making and set out to travel the United States, interviewing clergy and public figures in order to build an undeniable argument about the continued importance of the book of Genesis as a guiding force in our Judeo-Christian country.
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Dove Review

“Roadmap Genesis” is an inspiring film that offers hope to people everywhere via God’s Word, particularly the book of Genesis. The documentary begins with people being surveyed and responding to what the word “genesis” means. The answers vary, from “Phil Collins” to “Moses” to “the SECOND book of the Bible” and so on. Filmmaker Nolan Lebovitz’s life changed dramatically when he became a husband and father. He realized that the world as it is has a lot of moral emptiness. He studied to become a rabbi and realized the book of Genesis is a pivotal book, dealing with so many of the issues pressing humankind today.

Featured in this remarkable documentary are Gov. Mike Huckabee, Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer of Faithful Central Bible Church, and Rev. Kim Dorr-Tilley, Associate Pastor of Bel Air Presbyterian. They speak of the insights in the book of Genesis regarding the human condition. Also featured is the Creation Museum in Kentucky and how it emphasizes God’s work and not evolution. God’s work is further featured as volunteers who help feed the hungry are interviewed and they share that they want to make a difference in the lives of the people they help.

This is a fascinating documentary that focuses on the lessons of Genesis and the familial relationships such as Abraham’s home and his family situation. We are pleased to award “Roadmap Genesis” our “Faith-Friendly” Seal for ages twelve plus. This one has a lot to like!

Dove Rating Details




Image of a burning cross.


Kissing by a bride and groom.


Comedian is bleeped out referring to the F'ing Bible; Crap-1; man shares how a racist used the word "nigger" several times when talking to his father.


Image of a burning cross.


The mention of bars; cigarette butts cleaned up from beach; comment about an area in Philadelphia that has prostitutes and drug deals going on; clip of a man smoking.


Art work and figure featuring Adam and Eve and brief nudity in them such as Eve's breasts and Adam's genitalia; women in shorts.


Some who are surveyed say they don't think the Bible is relevant today; TV host mocks and says how could these people from so long ago (Jews) have more insight than we do today; a man talks about racism shown toward his father and his family when he was a child; sign is shown that said, "No Niggers, No Jews, No Dogs".

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