Roy (Kevin Sorbo) lives an ordinary suburban life with his wife and three daughters. But he finds things a little mundane and wants a change. When a boy named Brody tries to turn Roy’s oldest daughter’s life upside down, he finds that he has to help this boy become a man.
Roy and his two friends of 20 years are going to take Brody on a camping trip to show this youngster the importance of becoming a man. But along the way the three men learn something about themselves and find that there are a few things this young boy can teach them. In all of our lives there comes a time when we see that we have to make changes, and this comical, but at times serious, story brings a few insights to everyone, not just guys. It is a charming, entertaining, wholesome movie that will delight the entire family. We are proud to award this film with the Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for all ages.