“Lucy’s Really Lost Moments” is probably titled that way because Lucy is really “lost” when it comes to some of the antics featured in this show! On top of that, rare television appearances are included and they look splendid in color.
In the first part of the program Lucy and Desi are talking about Westinghouse, their sponsor, and Desi pronounces it “Westing-gouse,” a running joke for awhile. The actors call themselves by their real names in this show: Lucy, Desi, Bill (Fred Mertz) and Vivian (instead of Ethel). But it is also a spoof as Desi shows a sponsor around the Desilu studio lot and Lucy pops up, unbeknownst to Desi, as a helicopter pilot, painter, Mexican in a fiesta display window, and even as a gorilla! The laughs are plenty, including a scene when they look at the original King Kong miniature figure from the 1930s classic film and Vivian tells Bill, “Here is one of your relatives!”
Lucy winds up ordering several Westinghouse appliances although Desi warned her not to, and when he goes to her dressing room and discovers the appliances, she is hiding in the dryer! The last part of the show features a skit with Lucy and Gale Gordon on an airplane. Lucy has never been on a plane before but she tries to act like a seasoned flyer when Gale tells her he has flown many times. However, when she becomes tipsy on the champagne and accidentally inflates her life jacket, on-board panic is the result! Although this is not intended for the very young, it is wholesome enough to award our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for all ages. Laugh along with Lucy!