“Monkey Kingdom” is a delight! This enchanting Disneynature film is nicely narrated by Tina Fey, who leads us as we watch the journey of a group of monkeys in South Asia. She states that one named Maya is the heroine and we later learn why. Though dominated by several monkeys in the beginning, she watches out for son Kip and protects him against a Monitor lizard and other monkeys. She searches for him and finds him when they are separated. Maya ends up having a big part in protecting her clan. Rajah is the alpha monkey and wants Kip’s father, Kumar, expelled from the group. But later Rajah needs Kumar’s help against a rebellion of other monkeys, and Kumar winds up as the alpha.
The humor of the monkeys, the cinematography, and seeing the growth of young Kip are all entertaining and educational elements of this film. I learned something too: that monkeys can swim under water. This educational and fascinating movie will entertain the entire family. We are pleased to award “Monkey Kingdom” our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for all ages. See it soon because hey, hey-it’s the monkeys!