“Light Wins” is an encouraging film for those who are concerned about losing religious freedoms and liberties. The focus is based on John 1:5, which states: “And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” The view espoused is that ultimately the Light will prevail in today’s society. Various experts share insights in this documentary, including Dr. James Dobson, Dr. John R. Diggs, Mike Huckabee, historian David Barton, and others.
There is plenty to do. Enlightenment and encouragement aren’t enough; one must become active for, as Isaiah 5:20 says, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil.” Obviously long-held beliefs, including traditional marriage, are being challenged in today’s society. The experts all speak about the recent problem of Christians being accused or even jailed for speaking out and their stands on certain topics, including homosexuality. Janet Porter states in the beginning that this film is meant to expose the assault “on our freedoms.”
Examples are given, including that of Pastor Hernan Castano of the Rivers of Oil Bible Institute, who was forced by the mayor of Houston, Texas, to turn over his sermon notes. “I’m still in shock,” he says in a statement. Recently, pastors in Idaho faced jail time for refusing to marry homosexual couples, and David and Evelyn Knapp, ordained ministers, were told in October 2014 they could face jail time and a $1,000 fine if they didn’t comply and marry gay couples. The documentary covers a lot of territory on this topic, using the words of Dr. Dobson as the focal point: “The family is the foundation for society.” Dr. John R. Diggs, Jr. talks about consummation and how man and woman obviously physically match up and how they complement each other in many other ways. He also mentions Jesus talking about marriage and how Jesus said a man shall leave his father and mother (indicating both parents) and cleave to his “wife.”
The documentary discusses various issues that Christians are faced with and features the views of biblical experts, and then encourages viewers to become involved in standing up for religious freedoms. David Barton, historian and head of Wallbuilders, says that people need to be involved in today’s society and speak out. He also quotes Romans 1, which says that people can be forgiven for all the sins of their past. One interesting scene features a woman who became a man and then got ovarian cancer. She said it was if God said, “I made you a woman,” and she is now a woman again.
The film also looks at changing laws regarding children and what they are taught about sexuality in school, and the fact that some counselors are in danger of losing their licenses if they encourage people to turn away from homosexual lifestyles. The AIDS problem is scrutinized; featured are parents who lost a son to AIDS a few years after his college graduation and we see the great grief on their faces. The question of bakeries being asked to create cakes for gay couples and how bakers reacted when they were asked to bake a very different cake is examined. Ultimately, former gay men and women talk of the new life they have found in Christ and the film ends with this thought: that Jesus is everything he claims to be. He can give victory.
“Light Wins” is, as the title suggests, very illuminating and it backs up its views with Scripture and by talking with experts such as historian and constitutional expert Barton. It also makes clear, via several peoples’ comments, that they love gay people but they want the freedom to see things differently and to make choices of conscience. We are happy to award this film our “Faith-Friendly” Seal for ages 12+. “Light Wins” gives hope to those who desire the truth of God’s Word.