“Beyond Christmas” is a warm holiday story that touches the heart, no matter what time of the year or season. It is the story of a wealthy man named Michael who, with the help of his two good friends, makes a dream come true for a man named Jimmy and a woman named Jean, who fall for each other instantly when they meet. Jimmy has a dream of being a singer, and Michael helps him realize his dream.
Madam Tanya (Maria Ouspenskaya), an elderly woman who lives in the home, has a premonition that the three men — Michael and his friends — should not travel on the plane they intend to take on a trip. Sure enough, a tragedy occurs and the three men die. However, their three spirits live on, and they try to help Jimmy and Jean from beyond the grave. Jimmy’s sudden success and the schemes of Arlene Terry almost tear Jean and Jimmy apart, but if the three spirits have something to say about the situation, Jimmy and Jean will wind up together.
This movie features some humor, excellent performances, and a belief in the afterlife. It does feature a man who held on to bitterness, but he receives a second chance at Heaven following his death. The film also promotes the idea that the angels in Heaven rejoice over a sinner who repents. We award “Beyond Christmas” our Dove Family Approved Seal. “Beyond Christmas” has an old fashioned warmth to it.