“A Better Way/Let Me Live,” narrated by Pat Boone, are two amazing videos combined in one set. The first film, “Let Me Live,” features a beautiful song, sung by a child, and shows the development of a baby from the womb to birth. In the opening scene, a young boy kisses his father, and children laugh and play on monkey bars. The children are enjoying life. This scene shows the contrast to what the alternative might be: abortion, and no life or joy.
In the second video, “A Better Way,” a host talks to several families who decided to keep a child, and not abort him or her, although the circumstances were difficult. One woman was raped and chose to have her child, and her daughter wound up looking like her grandfather, which pleased her. Both mother and daughter are close today, and the mother says, “He (God) made something wonderful out of a tragic experience, and here I have this beautiful daughter.” In another case, a woman was 40 and discouraged from having her child, but she wound up giving birth to a child who was proclaimed to be a genius. More importantly, says the mother, he is a compassionate person. In another case, a couple chose to adopt three children, two of whom have Down Syndrome but are both affectionate and well-loved.
Love is the better way that Pat Boone promotes, and these two videos are powerful and compelling. As he states near the end of the second video, “It is a matter of choice. Once those choices are made, they’re final. So final.” We are pleased to award our “Faith-Friendly” 12-plus Seal to this DVD set, along with five Doves, our best rating.