“Victor Frankenstein” has a few good things going for it, including actor James McAvoy as Victor Frankenstein and Daniel Radcliffe as Igor. In the opening sequence, Frankenstein saves Igor, a clown, from a cruel fate at the circus, and an ensuing chase sequence is well done. Interestingly, Igor is a bit of a science whiz himself. However, the story later goes off into some strange places, and the filmmakers make some really curious choices. Without giving major plot moments away, early in the film, Frankenstein cures Igor of his hunchback problem, so the legendary hunchbacked Igor thrives through the remaining film with a back straight as a ruler. In addition, we learn Victor had a brother who figures into the plot. Sadly, the monster isn’t brought to life until almost the end of the film and when he is — well, let’s just say something happens that will make people scratch their heads.
The film features a few fascinating scenes, including a pair of eyes without a body, following a lit match of Frankenstein’s. The movie does raise some moral questions and looks at the consequences of man trying to emulate God. At any rate, this unusual take on Mary Shelley’s novel features strong violence, so it cannot receive our Dove Seal.