“Wildflower” is a gripping and intense movie that features a 12-year-old mystery surrounding a girl’s death. Chloe (Nathalia Ramos) is an art student in college who begins suffering flashbacks from something that happened when she was a girl. These flashbacks include Chloe being chased by a truck and the remembrance of a man with a tattoo. She also sees someone attacked on a bridge. Her friend, Josh (Cody Longo), supports her and seeks out the truth of what happened so many years ago.
This film has a satisfying conclusion and incorporates wholesome storytelling. Chloe and Josh go into a church to seek God, and Chloe is a help to Josh, just as he is to her. Josh’s brother is a pastor. Josh once went on a missions trip and has had a hard time letting go of a tragic occurrence involving a friend, but Chloe gives him the support he needs.
This well-acted movie features themes of friendship, commitment to finding the truth, and compassion. We are pleased to award “Wildflower” our “Faith-Friendly” Seal for ages 12-plus. This film needs to be seen! Five Doves go to this wonderful movie.