“Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip” is the latest adventure that the chipmunks share, along with a new love interest for Dave. Her son, an obnoxious young man named Miles (Josh Green), likes to do things like hang Theodore by his shirt on a Ferris wheel, and use a golf club on one of the boys like he’s a golf ball. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, they wind up traveling together with Miles. They actually begin to form a bond with Miles, partly due to escaping together from the clutches of an overzealous air inspector, who dogs them from the airplane they take to hotels, and from state to state. The chipmunks hated the idea of Miles ever becoming a brother, but now, they are okay with the idea. The film includes comedic moments such as Alvin acting like he’s a doll instead of a chipmunk and the three chipmunks acting like hood ornaments to escape the eye of someone chasing them.
Along the way to Miami the chipmunks and Miles, who are trying to break up Dave’s possible engagement to Mile’s mother, finally realize that maybe it would be a good thing. They endure a bar fight among the patrons and the air marshal’s pursuit, but rest assured everything will be okay by the time the credits roll. The film features a lot of music, and some of the songs are from the chipmunks or the chipettes! We are pleased to award “Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip” our Dove Seal for all ages. As one chipmunk says, as long as Alvin is around they will manage to get into trouble!