Based on a true story, “Until Forever” is a five-Dove movie. This excellent film focuses on the story of Michael Boyum and Michelle Larson, who became Michael’s bride even though he was battling Leukemia and was not expected to live. The movie features strong acting — especially that of Stephen Anthony Bailey as Michael and Madison Lawlor as Michelle — a tightly written script, and wonderful music. It speaks to the themes of suffering and the big question that everyone has at one time or another: “Why?”
Michael, a karate teacher, meets Michelle, and immediately they have sparks between them. They have fun on dates, share faith in God, and enjoy a memorable prom. However, Michael doesn’t feel well and learns that he has Leukemia and must start chemotherapy right away. Michelle is right there to support and comfort him, but he actually needs little of that. He seems to think he was sent to the hospital to minister to and encourage others, which he does. He reads the Bible to a man named Fenton, who doesn’t appreciate it at first, but he and Michael become good friends, despite their philosophical differences.
Michael rides the highs and lows of being in remission and then discovering the cancer has returned. His brother, Matt, has broken up with his girlfriend and plays football games without parental support, as his parents are often at the hospital supporting Michael. Matt battles depression and has doubts about God, especially when his bone marrow donation seems to work at first, only to have the cancer return in Michael’s body. When all looks grim for Michael, Michelle decides she and Michael should marry and believes he is her soul mate and that God brought them together. The problem is that Michael fears Michelle will end up being a widow. The drama of these various plot lines are nicely handled, along with doses of humor in appropriate spots. The film also makes the point that God will help people through their suffering. This touching film will stir the emotions and amaze the viewer with its story of an impressive young man named Michael Boyum. Real-life video clips of Michael and Michelle are shown at the end of the film. The movie has earned our “Faith-Friendly” 12-plus Seal.