“Forty Nights” is a loose and fictional prequel to “Chasing the Star” and begins with the baptism of Jesus. Soon after, Jesus turns to the desert to face thirst, hunger and worse. Satan first appears as a handsome teenager, one of his many forms, and unsuccessfully presents Him with the bodily temptation of food and drink. Satan vanishes for a while, and through flashbacks, we learn of Jesus’ dire love for people as He reflects on various compassionate interactions.
Unabated, Satan, played brilliantly by Taymour Ghazi, taunts and reminds Jesus of a vicious future, overlaying his taunts with vivid picture of man’s degenerate, underserving nature. Still Jesus loves. When Jesus finds and befriends a little lost lamb, we see the care and companionship, but unfortunately, when it wanders and is lost, Satan quickly states a taste for roasted lamb. Satan becomes a mouthpiece for the usual objections to God, and these build upon Jesus’ bodily weakness. At one point, Jesus asks the Father, “Are We wrong?” (He has a loud conversation with himself in the desert.) But after ultimately rejecting Satan, Jesus is attended by Gabriel and states He is at peace with what is to come. All ages will enjoy this well presented family faith film, although older children will be more understanding of the philosophical elements. Spoiler alert: The lamb comes back! “Forty Nights” telling of love conquering all is a welcome and needed Christian worldview message.
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