“Chonda Pierce Presents: Stand-Up for Families” is a funny and wholesome show that the entire family can enjoy together. The program features Chonda Pierce as a performer as well as the host, plus comedians Bone Hampton, Sandy Joy, Cleto Rodriguez, and Nazareth. The jokes are hilarious and the laughs add up, as the talented group, one by one, hit the stage.
The program is very faith-friendly and family-approved. For example, Chonda shares a funny story about her brother always giving her free advice while growing up, and now that he is a “shrink,” she says, he charges her. She humorously explains her unique name by saying that her father loved Chevy and her mother drove a Honda, so they named her Chonda. Bone Hampton shares a funny story about how he used to think, as a boy, that Samson was “stupid” for continually listening to Delilah, but then he, Bone, met a girl named “Keesha” when he grew older, and he understood Samson a lot more. Sandi Joy jokes about scolding the kids but using her “nice voice” for the pastor on the phone. Cleto Rodriguez jokes about losing weight and the time his baby mistook him for Mommy and wanted to breastfeed, while clamping on to him. Nazareth jokes about the time he worked at Seven Eleven and people who worked there would go to “Heaven Eleven” when they die. This is just a sampling of the type of humor that is featured in this delightful program.
This program will have you in stitches and has earned five Doves, our best compliment. It is approved for all ages.