“In God We Trust” is a unique and powerful story about a mother who goes to great lengths to have a relationship with her adult son, who, for the most part, ignores her and acts unhappy when he is with her. “When he was a boy, he thought I walked on water,” she tells someone, “and now he doesn’t want to even be with me.” Her son, Ronny, was close to his father, who passed away, but, as his mother tells him in a touching scene, “I knew your father was your favorite, but you were always my favorite.” The film opens up with some performers who rap and act out scenes, and for a few moments, the viewer may wonder what’s happening. Then the film nicely shifts into the story about the mother, who was at this drama class herself and for a purpose we later learn about in the film.
“In God We Trust” is a compelling movie about a parent’s love for a child, even as he’s grown up. We are happy to award this thought-provoking drama our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for ages 12-plus. This film shows what breakthroughs can happen when a person refuses to give up on a dream.