“Chonda Pierce: Stand-Up for Families – Episode 3” continues the series with another wholesome and fun-filled episode, hosted by the funny and clever Chonda Pierce. This program features some wonderful, family-friendly comedians, including Brad Stine, Anthony Griffith, Lisa Mills, Chinnitta Morris and Taylor Mason, along with Taylor’s puppet guests, Paco, Ramone, and Zero.
Chonda begins this episode with a joke about having a lot in common with the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders and says the Cowboys need to start winning so they can feed those cheerleaders. Brad Stine jokes about taking political correctness too far and the cold weather in Winnipeg, Canada. Anthony Griffith gets a laugh out of the gate when he tells the audience he is paranoid because he always thinks people are watching him. His comedy act about the repercussions of eating refried beans will leave audiences with side-splitting laughter. Lisa Mills jokes about growing up poor and telling her friend the dishwasher (her mother) was lying down on the job. She also jokes about snoring and gaining weight and says her nose doesn’t weigh any more than it did when she got married. Chinnitta Morris jokes about wives always submitting to their husbands so that when something goes wrong, he gets the blame. Finally, Taylor Mason uses a few volunteers from the audience as he does his puppet act, which features his pigs, Ramone and Paco, and his penguin, Zero. His pig says he has a job — he’s a bank!
Enjoy this third episode of the Dove Channel’s feature film, “Chonda Pierce: Stand Up for Families.” We are awarding it our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for all ages.