“A Beautiful Planet” is an awe-inspiring documentary. It features breathtaking shots of Earth from the vantage point of space as three astronauts (an American, a female Russian, and an Italian) travel together for six months at a rate of 17,500 mph. With her soothing voice, Jennifer Lawrence narrates the film, which shows the astronauts in action inside and outside of the ship and fantastic views of Earth and provides geographical statistics and interesting facts and information. Sixteen countries built the International Space Station, and the sun powers it. Its mission was that of micro-gravity, bio-medical research, and observation.
Samantha, the female Russian astronaut, says of her first peek of Earth from the space ship, “I was definitely happy.” The astronauts seem to enjoy themselves with the lack of gravity. We see various scenes of the astronauts going about their daily duties without gravity, including sleeping and exercising. They also tell a story about how they found a wrench some five weeks after it floated away and went missing. We also see the astronauts celebrate Christmas in space.
The astronauts return home and someone talks about the Earth being a kind of spaceship. Bagpipes play a rendition of “Amazing Grace,” and the music is inspiring as the documentary shows different views of space. The song “The World is Ours” is a fitting song to conclude this wonderful film. We are pleased to award “A Beautiful Planet” our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for all ages. It is instructional, inspirational, visual, and an enjoyable viewing experience for the entire family.