“The Big Freeze” is a delightful documentary, daring to go to bitter-cold places to share the beauty of the ice, sculptures, and even ice-breaking ships. Jenna Sage, a young girl, narrates the film. The beautiful videos feature Ottawa, Canada; Michigan; Vermont; Sapporo, Japan; and finally Canada again, featuring Alberta in the concluding segment. Some scientific facts are included along the way, such as water freezing at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, and 0 degrees Celsius.
Along with scientific facts about the ice and snow, the film features beautiful scenes of ice skating, ice sculptures and sledding. A trip to Vermont shows how Ben and Jerry’s ice cream is made. Also, who wouldn’t want the job Kathy does? She is an ice cream taste tester. Interestingly, the Coast Guard’s ice-breaking ship breaks through the ice to free freighters for travel. The film also explains why ice cubes and giant ice burgs float, another example of the science of this film. A segment on the Great Lakes features Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake Superior and Lake Ontario.
“The Big Freeze” is a well-rounded video of facts, beautiful scenes, and the kind of fun people can have in the ice and snow. This video features the largest ice rink in the world and shows people enjoying themselves in the various clips. We enthusiastically award this film our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for all ages. We award it five Doves, our highest rating.