Approved for All Ages

Chasing American Legends

Join Texas politician Rick Green and his fun family as they explore the United States and learn about our nation's humble beginnings and rich history!
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Positive Rating

Dove Review

“Chasing American Legends” is a fantastic series, because it promotes patriotism and educates families in the goals of our founding fathers. Author and radio host Rick Green and his family — wife Kara and children Trey, Rhett, Kamryn and Reagan — act out historical events and teach at Independence Hall in Philadelphia.

In episode one, titled “Bulletproof President?” Brad Stine reenacts George Washington’s flight on horse at Braddock’s Battlefield when he survived four bullet holes in his coat and one in his hat. Did a miracle happen? Rick Green’s family members shoot paint balls at Brad, dressed as Washington, as he flees on a bicycle. With entertaining reenactments, viewers will learn the truth behind this event in history.

In episode two, titled “Lives, Fortunes, and Sacred Honor,” another miracle unfolds as the government shuts down and Rick is told his family will be unable to teach at Independence Hall, despite months of planning and an expected crowd. The family pursues Plan B of finding a new location, but they pray that God will still open the Hall to them. Step by step, everything falls into place for them, just in time. The Green kids emotionally move those in attendance through their teaching. The family reminds the audience of Benjamin Franklin’s famous words, when he called on the founding fathers to pray before each session: “Have we now forgotten this powerful friend?”

The third episode, “Communist King or Peaceful Crusader” deals with a man’s comment to Rick Green that Martin Luther King Jr. was actually a Communist. Rick and his family take on the challenge to visit Dr. King’s niece, Alveda; the church he pastored, Ebenezer Baptist Church; and Ahmad Ward, at the Civil Rights Institute in Birmingham. Their goal is to learn the truth. Mr. Ward tells them the bombings were so terrible in Birmingham at one point during the ’50s and ’60s that the city earned the sad nickname, “Bombingham.” However, the film clearly shows that MLK Jr. was not a Communist. He preached a social gospel that focused on taking care of all of God’s children.

In the fourth episode, “A Grateful Nation,” the Green family visits Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, and John F. Kennedy’s tomb, as well as the grave of Audie Murphy, a Texan and the most decorated World War II soldier. Lt. Col. Brian Birdwell also shares how he survived the plane crashing into the Pentagon building on 9/11 when he was there. This episode focuses on sacrifice.

The fifth episode, “Inside the Vault,” explores the treasure troves of Historian David Barton. Documents from 1620, to the American Revolution, to World War II are part of his vast collection. Rick Green says, “It’s like visiting the American Revolution in one room.” David Barton asks Rick and Kara Green’s kids to read from various old Bibles, including a 1612 King James Bible.

The sixth episode, “Who Shot First?” speaks of the “shot heard round the world” at Lexington and Concord and whether the Brits or Patriots shot first. The Greens also perform a reenactment of Paul Revere’s warning to Pastor Clark about the British, as well as a reenactment of the battle between the Brits and the Patriots.

Episode seven, “Changing Seasons,” focuses on the Green’s eldest son, Trey, who graduated from Liberty University and took 42 credit hours in one semester. The Greens discuss hard work and achievements in this free country.

Episode eight, “The Crossing,” features the Green family at the Delaware River, as they remember the events of that Christmas Eve in 1776 when Washington crossed it, a daring military move.

Episode nine, “Come and Take It,” features the valor of Texans and an examination of the Alamo. It also features an historic hotel, the Gonzalez, and Brad Stine shoots an old, historic rifle.

In episode 10, “Midnight Riders,” the family looks into the history of Paul Revere’s famous ride, as well as that of Sybil Ludington, who rode horseback on the night of April 26, 1777, to call out Col. Ludington’s regiment to repel the British at Danbury, Conn.

In episode 11, “Passing the Torch of Freedom,” the family focuses on the Patriot Academy and teaches a future generation about the life of legislation. The Green kids enjoy looking back at photos of themselves when they were very young…well, at least most of them enjoy looking back.

In the final episode, “One Life to Give,” the family finishes the Patriot Academy event and also works on a book titled “Legends of Liberty,” which includes various authors. One Green son surprises the family and a certain girl, with an act of love. Rick Green concludes the episode and mentions historical figures, such as Martin Luther King Jr., and President John F. Kennedy, and the fact that we also have “one life to give.”

In this incredible series, the family offers “hope” to Americans who feel “old glory” is fading. We are more than pleased to award this fantastic documentary series our “Faith-Friendly” Seal for all ages. This wonderful series has earned five Doves, our highest rating.

Dove Rating Details




Family shoots paint balls at man on bicycle to recreate Washington's battle, but man is unharmed, although he says the paint balls hurt; a figure of a Ku Klux Klan member is shown; reenactments of various historical battles and the firing of rifles and guns; comments about war wounds and wars.


Husband and wife kiss a few times; young man kisses his girlfriend on the head.


A film title, "To Hell and Back," is mentioned, and the H-word is used a few times as a symbol of war in a song.


Family shoots paint balls at man on bicycle to recreate Washington's battle, but man is unharmed, although he says the paint balls hurt; a figure of a Ku Klux Klan member is shown; reenactments of various historical battles and the firing of rifles and guns; comments about war wounds and wars.







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