“Union Bound” is a powerful film, based on a diary written by a Union soldier named Joseph Hoover (Sean Stone). He winds up on the run from the Confederates, along with a man named Thomas J. Ryan (Randy Wayne). Surprisingly, a slave named Jim Young (Tank Jones) winds up on the run with them, and he helps them escape a few close calls.
The film examines the cruelty of the war and the ill treatment of the slaves, showing one slave woman who is beaten to death with a rifle. The Christian treatment Joseph and Thomas receive at the hands of the slaves is a sharp contrast to the treatment they receive from the soldiers. The film is clear that there are always good and bad people in the world, no matter the race or background of the person. Some of the characters who are treated the worst are those who treat others the kindest.
A soldier comes to the Lord in the story before he passes away. The film concludes with notes about what happened to certain characters in history. We are excited to present “Union Bound” our “Faith-Friendly” Seal for ages 12-plus.