“Finding Dory” is unforgettable entertainment. It is delightfully funny and features well-loved characters, like Dory (voiced by Ellen DeGeneres), Marlin (Albert Brooks), and Nemo (Hayden Rolence), as well as a new, comedic octopus named Hank (Ed O’Neill).
Dory begins to remember little things about her parents, including their names, Jenny and Charlie, and Marlin and Nemo agree to accompany her on the trip to California to try and locate them. Dory remembers herself as a young child-fish. She seems to be A.D.D. as she tries to follow instructions that her parents give her, only to get sidetracked when she sees things that capture her attention. For example, in the middle of one sentence, she looks at the ocean floor and suddenly says, “I like sand!” In another funny scene, she mistakenly thinks she has come across a class about the “birds and the bees” and pipes in, “You see, when two fish love each other…” only to be stopped by the instructor. The kids and adults in the audience all laughed out loud at several scenes in the movie. Dory’s short-term memory problem is what fuels much of the humor in the film. Pixar and Disney have made another great film!
This wonderful family movie features themes of loyalty, friendship and perseverance. We are enthusiastically awarding it our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for all ages. The animation is amazing. “Finding Dory” is the perfect sequel to “Finding Nemo.”