“Forgiven” is a riveting movie that features excellent performances, especially from Kevin Sorbo as Lt. Morgan, Jenn Gotzen as Elizabeth Taylor, and Casey Fuller as James Davies. It also features a suspenseful and interesting story line, as well as fine production values. Mainly, it focuses on a message of divine forgiveness, according to the Bible.
Pastor Taylor (Steve Flanigan) and his daughters Elizabeth (Jenn Gotzon) and Naomi (Allee Sutton Hethcoat) are about to leave church after the service when a man wielding a gun, James Davies, races in and holds them all captive. What they don’t know is that just before this, he accidentally shot his girlfriend while trying to wrestle a gun from her, and he fled, as he was sure no one would believe the shooting was accidental. Now, with the police waiting outside the church and Lt. Morgan (Sorbo) trying to figure out how to get the hostages out safely, things get worse before they get better. Pastor Taylor has a heart attack. James allows the police to bring in a stretcher and remove him to get him medical care, along with his youngest daughter. But Elizabeth, the eldest daughter, stays with James as a hostage and begins to talk with him, trying to reach him with God’s love. She even talks him into a brief Bible study, although he is constantly on guard and fearful of the police.
As she speaks to James about forgiveness, James realizes that forgiveness is exactly what he has been searching for. When Elizabeth herself forgives him for what he has done, he must decide whether to accept God’s forgiveness for himself or to end up in a worse fate. This suspenseful movie is filled with tension, but it is a compelling story. We are thrilled to award “Forgiveness” our “Faith-Friendly” Seal for ages 12-plus, and five Doves, which is our best rating. Add “Forgiveness” to your must-see list of movies! It is really that good.