“The BFG” takes place in a land of the giants, with one good giant who becomes known by a little girl as “BFG,” short for “Big Friendly Giant.” Nine other giants are evil, bent on eating little children. A girl named Sophie (Rebecca Hall) spots BFG one night from the window of the orphanage where she lives, and BFG is obliged to snatch her away and take her to his home. He doesn’t want her telling others about him. Sophie is terrified at first but then soon realizes the giant has a kind heart. They begin to bond, and he keeps her safe from the bad giants, who at one point come uninvited to his house and search for the girl. They find her blanket and know that she’s there.
One adventure leads to another, and soon Sophie finds herself at the royal castle of the Queen, soliciting her help to defeat the bad giants. The queen meets BFG and is quite impressed. His delight in eating eggs and toast for the first time is priceless, as is his reaction to coffee, which he doesn’t like.
This wonderful film features adventure, fantasy, great special effects, and a good cast. I asked a mother at the screening I attended if I could ask her two daughters, ages 5 and 7, if they were scared at all. She said yes, and the two girls replied no, that they were not frightened and that they enjoyed the movie. We are awarding our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal to “The BFG,” for all ages, noting that parents should consult the content listing to make their own informed decisions. “The BFG” is going to be popular with the kids — and probably with many giant kids, also known as adults.