“Jason Bourne” is fast-paced and action-packed. For lovers of the series, this installment features everything that made the Bourne films popular. It includes car chases, crashes, fights, assassins, political intrigue, computer hacking, a secret on a flash drive, and a few surprises along the way. Unfortunately, I found the jerky camera movements and the “personal camera” that follows characters to be a bit annoying. In one scene that takes place in an apartment, between Bourne (Matt Damon) and another man, the camera literally shakes for no apparent reason. On a positive note, the locales of the film include the Greek-Albanian border, London, Germany, Rome, Iceland and Vegas.
The plot is intriguing, with a dirty C.I.A. agent named Dewey (Tommy Lee Jones) trying to take out Bourne before he learns a few secrets that Dewey would rather him not find out. A new agent, Heather Lee (Alicia Vikander), catches on to the fact that Dewey is far from clean. She secretly begins to help Bourne — and he will need it. A cold-hearted assassin named Asset (Vincent Cassel) is set to take him out. When Bourne learns a secret involving Asset and Bourne’s deceased father, he is determined to get Asset instead.
The acting is terrific, especially that of Damon, Jones, Cassel and Vikander. Unfortunately, due to excessive violence, which features a few very bloody scenes, and strong language, we are prevented from awarding the film our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal.