“Victor” is the amazing true story of Victor Torres, who overcame drug addiction to found a rehab center in Boston and an international church in Richmond, Virginia. The film opens with Victor’s family having just moved to Brooklyn, New York, from Puerto Rico. Victor, who is splendidly portrayed by Patrick Davis, is soon initiated into a gang and has his first “rumble.” Before long he is involved in making illegal guns, drug dealing, and getting into serious trouble. His parents worry about him, especially when he starts buying appliances and other things. Where is he getting the money? He is earning too much for it to be a “regular” job.
Victor falls for a girl named Sherry, but her jealous boyfriend makes Victor a special target. Pastor Jimmy (Josh Pence) has just moved into the neighborhood and is intent on helping Victor or anyone else who will give God a chance. When Victor’s life spirals even further downward, his desperate mother, Lila (Lisa Vidal), turns to Pastor Jimmy for help. But Victor must want the help. He eventually realizes that only by surrendering his life to Jesus can he find the power to be freed from the drug addiction. Victor loves his little brother, Ricky (Mason Davis), and hates what he has become—a very poor example to little Ricky. This remarkable story features drug use on screen and underage drinking and smoking and stealing, so we are awarding it our Faith-Based Seal, meaning it has some objectionable material but is strong with its faith message.
This movie shows what faith and surrender to God can accomplish! Victor went on to found a drug rehab center in Boston and to found the international church in Richmond where he serves with his wife Carmen to this day. This film is about change, the kind of change that only God can make!