”Can I Get a Witness Protection” opens with clever and entertaining credits reminiscent of those of “The Pink Panther.” The film continues in this goofy vein, beginning when Jack, owner of a truck-repair business, accidentally witnesses a drug lord commit murder. Immediately, he has superhero energy—which he needs as he runs—carting his not-so-loveable wife’s load of designer clothes. The FBI shoves them out the door to a new life, his clueless wife Julie still blabbering about fabric and wine. This campy tone remains throughout the film as Jack and Julie are deposited into a world of wacky characters at a shrinking Presbyterian church in Fresno.
We’re introduced to the church staff members, each with his or her own story of need, and each quirkier than the previous. (I was waiting for the Three Stooges to sit down for dinner!) When the pastor of the church suddenly keels over, Jack is thrust into the pastor role and delivers the worst sermon this side of heaven. Wanting to prove himself, Jack begins reading Christian apologetics books which propel him and Julie to rethink their faithless lives. They do good works for the church members, who, in turn, spread kindness through the neighborhood. Eventually, folks notice as they begin to make a difference. Can this comedy of flawed people be turned around? This campy film has funny and clever moments, and an underlying message of faith that can be enjoyed by the whole family.