The story of Jacob, son of Isaac, is woven with great beauty, love, drama and intrigue. Written among the pages of Genesis, we find two brothers Esau and Jacob, twins at birth, who continually struggle for blessing and position each day.
Esau is ruddy, impulsive, and skilled at hunting — his father’s favorite. Jacob is a trickster and beloved by his mother. Rebekah believes Esau doesn’t listen to God’s voice, and she is troubled with his decision to take Canaanite wives. Together, they conspire to usurp the blessing from an unsuspecting Isaac, but soon they realize Jacob’s life is in danger as Esau’s anger simmers, threatening to erupt. Jacob is sent away to live with Rebekah’s brother Laban many miles away, and Jacob falls in love with his Uncle Laban’s beautiful daughter, Rachel. Laban’s flocks and lands flourish under Jacob’s hand amidst a life of great faith and perseverance. The relationship between Jacob and Rachel grows, and she is promised to Jacob as a wife, even as Laban turns deceitful and substitutes Rachel’s older sister, Leah, on the wedding night. Rachel eventually becomes his wife. His love for her grows daily, even while sons are born through Leah while Rachel remains barren. The years pass and God continues to bless Jacob with many offspring. Rachel’s womb is opened and God grants her not one, but two sons, Joseph and Benjamin. Jacob’s heart is full, as the love of his life brings forth the desire of their hearts with the birth of these boys. The path proves to be a long and treacherous one for Jacob and his family as God calls them out from the land of Laban into a land of their own. Jacob’s story continues to unfold throughout the film, even amidst the lust, love, desire and tumult of the day. Several instances of strong language, along with numerous sword fights, vivid childbirth and animal sacrifice, are scenes of which parents are advised to be cautioned. However, we find this to be a faithful retelling of one man, his beloved family and his God, and we are pleased to approve it for viewers ages 12 and above.
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