Springing straight from a young horse-lover’s imagination, Pony with a Broken Wing follows a storyline where a winged horse is an answer to a teenaged girl’s prayer. When faced with either losing their horse-rescue ranch or selling out to a greedy developer, Sydney and her family are at a loss and distraught. At first, nothing seems to go right, and tension runs high. But when Sydney discovers a mythical winged horse limping in the forest, things begin to turn around for the better. As they do their best to care for the horse, the family comes together to carry out a daring plan to save the horse and the ranch.
This family-friendly movie is full of smiles, creativity, and love shown towards people and animals. Sydney passionately cares for her family and never ceases to hope for the best. As the adventure progresses, Sydney forms new friendships and her family grows in relationship and understanding with one another. By the time the film nears a happy and satisfying ending, Sydney seems to gain new confidence in herself as she plays an important role in saving the winged horse and her family’s ranch.
It’s worth mentioning that Pony with a Broken Wing references both Greek mythology and Christianity. Early in the film, when Sydney is sure that nothing but a miracle can save the ranch, she prays to God for his help in their crisis. The Pegasus then appears, seemingly as an answer to prayer—though the winged horse itself plays only a passive role in saving the ranch. Far from being a deal-breaker for this film, the portrayal of something from a Greek myth as an answer to prayer provides a valuable opportunity for family discussion.
Pony with a Broken Wing is Approved for All Ages.
The Dove Take: Imaginative and fun with a touch of fantasy, Pony with a Broken Wing portrays a family rallying together when beset by challenges.