Welcome to the amazing Easterland, where kids of all ages hunt for eggs in all places. They look everywhere, till there are no eggs to spare, but they also come to Easterland to sing, dance, and have a blast! In Easterland, the fun lasts and lasts! Join country bunnies Manny and his pal Cottontop on a search for Sunny the Easter Bunny, who holds sing-alongs that don’t stop. Let’s go to Easterland to shake our tails, flop our ears, and hear singing friends sing Easter cheers! Easterland Sing-A-Long will put the whole family in the Easter holiday spirit with fun songs and delightful nursery rhymes.
The Dove Review
Two rhyming buddies (or should I say, bunnies!) visit the fantastic land of Easterland, a place where children and animals alike can hunt for Easter eggs, sing and dance the days away. Once they meet the Easter Bunny, the three join together to dance and sing in various locations around Easterland.
Easter Sing is an animated movie that small children will surely enjoy. It’s not really a movie in the traditional sense, it’s more of a compilation of dancing/musical numbers. The bunnies arrive in Easterland and straight away go into several dance routines accompanied by songs, which last about 3-10 minutes per scene. The dances can become pretty repetitive, and the characters are certainly robotic, but the music is surprisingly impressive and upbeat. I enjoyed listening to the songs, most of which were by one artist and ranged in genre from pop, country, pop-rock, and hip hop. My 1-year-old nephew loved watching the bunnies dance and enjoyed dancing along with the music. Some of the song lyrics (specifically two songs) might be a bit mature for younger viewers, but most children won’t notice what is being said because it’s very brief.
As far as Easter, the film doesn’t really stick to the Easter theme except for the opening and ending scenes. Santa Claus (spoiler alert!) makes a surprise appearance for the last half of the film, dancing with his reindeer. There isn’t really dialogue or a storyline, there’s no beginning, middle or end, it’s just bunnies dancing. And that is perfectly acceptable for music-loving small children like my nephew!