The Synopsis:
This docudrama is based on the true story of NFL hopeful, Brian Banks (Aldis Hodge), who at age 16 was wrongly convicted of raping and kidnapping a female classmate and sentenced to serve five years in prison, followed by a five-year probation. During his probation, he fights to prove his innocence and get exonerated.
The Review
When the film begins, we are introduced to Banks as an adult as he watches boys playing football in a park. The movie then takes us to Banks being assigned his ankle monitor as he begins his five years of probation as part of the sentence for his rape conviction.
We later learn, through flashbacks and narration, when Banks was 16 years old he and classmate, Kennisha Rice (Xosha Roquemore) went to a school stairway to fool around. Before anything happens, they are interrupted by the sound of someone in the stairway and Banks tells Rice, “I’m not feeling this anymore,” and leaves her. Rice seems hurt by Banks’s rejection and when she is stopped by a school security guard and questioned, she says she was dragged into the stairway and raped by Banks.
Banks is soon arrested. On the day of his trial, his attorney provides poor representation by suggesting he plead no contest to avoid going to prison. The attorney tells Banks that the all-white jury will surely convict a large black man. Banks swears by his innocence and the DNA proves it, but the evidence is never presented in court because Banks pleads no contest to avoid a conviction. To Banks’s shock he is convicted as if he is guilty and sentenced to serve five years in prison, five years of probation and must be registered as a sex offender.
After spending close to six years in prison, Banks fights to clear his name. He learns of the California Innocence Project and tries to persuade the project’s director, Justin Brooks (Greg Kinnear), to take his case. With the project’s support, Banks finally sees justice as he is exonerated. He works hard to fulfill his dream of playing in the NFL. After not making the cut with the Seattle Seahawks, Banks signs with the Atlanta Falcons in 2013.