Consider the Lilies is a guidebook for Christian woman searching for purpose, meaning and direction. With her confident and reassuring prose, author Shari Rigby (whom you may have seen in such films as October Baby and Overcomer) invites readers into her life, experiences, and process of discovering purpose, following Christ, what it means to be a woman who belongs to God, and how to readjust the way we live, think, and worship.
The Women in My World founder shares her own quest for purpose and Christ-centered living, along with stories of other women she has encountered along the way. With the goal of being rooted and thriving in God’s unique plan for each of us, Shari compares God’s women, us, to lilies, using Luke 12:27-28 as the model. Lilies turn out to be the perfect analogy—they’re strong, fragrant, beautiful, and God’s Word informs us that they do not toil, but He provides for their needs.
As a major “toiler” myself, I was deeply challenged and helped by Consider the Lilies. The first four chapters aim to reshape our view of what purpose is, how we walk in it, and what motivates us. I was particularly appreciative of the revelation that our purpose is not defined by career, motherhood, or ministry. We are each assigned an overall mission, sometimes as simple as “serve my women” (in the author’s case), which colors everything else in our lives. So, regardless of where one lives or what job one has, the purpose is always the same—the application simply may be different. I love how Shari emphasizes that Christ, serving Him and others, must always be the purpose of our passion. That way, when life becomes confusing and chaotic, we always have something solid to refer back to.
In the chapters that follow, Shari touches on many practical and important aspects of living a life devoted to God and this purpose. Shari expounds upon preparation seasons, and states that while they are uncomfortable, they also are necessary planning stages for living out our God-given destiny. Things may not be the way we think they should be, but letting go of our personal feelings, distractions and honing in on the certitudes of God’s Word will propel us forward. Mapping, planning, journaling, and evaluating are huge parts of this process, which are covered in depth. Shari provides visual aids and examples of how she personally plans and maps out her goals and God-given vision, giving the reader a tangible sense of how to get started and maintain an organized approach to living out God’s dreams.
Throughout the book, Shari is very clear and careful to maintain everything is God-centered. She informs readers that we must be guided by God’s vision, not our own, for our lives. If we aren’t working toward what God wants, our efforts are wasted. Confusion and disappointment set in. I love that Shari takes the pressure off—it’s not about me, it’s about God. How great, because I’ve never been able to get the ball rolling on my own anyway. I’m sure you can relate!
Shari addresses the tools and skills we need to fulfill our individual goals, as well as being brave enough to take the territory God has given us. She gives practical examples and tips for creating battle plans, prayer plans, and just about any other resource you’d need to get going. This isn’t a “self-help” book, but it’s more helpful than any self-help book I’ve ever read. In her clear and trustworthy tone, Shari guides women on a clear journey to not only discover their God-given purpose, but hold on to it, savor it, develop it, and live it. Addressing everything from career, family and the digital age, the author anchors this process in the affirming love and power of Christ.
To say that I was overwhelmed and deeply challenged by the content of this book would be an understatement. Reading it had me in tears, disbelief, denial, rebellion and a slew of other emotions. I guess that’s part of the pruning Shari talks about! Unlike most books that give you a laundry list of things to do in order to get where you want to be, Consider the Lilies gives readers a roadmap for changing our thinking to become women who don’t aim for what we want, but instead boldly pursue what our Heavenly Father wants. Through this pursuit, we find what we are supposed to be doing, where we should go, and who we are created to be. Although the concept may seem radical and bold, to change one’s entire way of viewing life, it’s actually a very old and basic concept: put God first, and the rest will follow. Shari has reimagined a foundational concept in a way that is easy and effective for modern women to understand and apply.
Consider the Lilies dismantles our disillusions, misbelief and defenses, while teaching us the right way to view God’s purpose and plan for our lives.
We award Consider the Lilies the Dove Seal of Approval for All Ages; however, please note, the book is geared toward young and adult women.
The Dove Take:
In her clear and trustworthy tone, Shari guides women on a clear journey to not only discover their God-given purpose, but hold on to it, savor it, develop it, and live it.