Approved for All Ages

Shoelaces for Christmas

After an altercation with her mother, Jennifer is forced to volunteer at a homeless shelter in the hope she will learn to be compassionate toward others. Through this new experience, Jennifer creates an unlikely bond with the staff and a special guest.
Negative Rating
Positive Rating

Dove Review

**This review is contributed by Super Channel—a channel dedicated to providing integrity and accountability in today’s entertainment.

This is a most inspiring movie about a selfish teenager who, when exposed to the hardships of others, is transformed into a loving, caring, compassionate human being whose actions help a little girl in the most prolific way. The casting is perfect with excellent performances and believable situations, as Christmas music softly plays throughout.

Jennifer is a self-absorbed snooty, selfish teen with snooty, shallow friends. They are planning a huge bang-up perfect Christmas party and inviting the cute guys. Jennifer’s father tells her to be home by 8pm for an important family meeting. She is disrespectfully late and walks in with an attitude…”how long will this take?” Her mom, Jan, has just finished chemo treatments and needs surgery next…Jennifer’s biggest problem? “What about the Christmas party?” Jennifer leaves in a huff and finds herself alone in the dark. Just a little frightened, she stumbles into a family shelter for the homeless and meets Ruthie the housemother who says they are short-handed so she can help out. Jennifer, completely unfamiliar with shelter life, encounters a little girl, Chloe, who, after several years on the streets with her mother, doesn’t speak at all.

Dad is fed up with Jennifer being so wrapped up in herself and tells her point blank … she is immature for a 17-year-old, has no compassion, and doesn’t take responsibility. There will be changes. She will help her mother, work at the shelter, and be nice to her brother. And that trip to Paris? If (big IF) she gets to go, she will have to earn it! No big changes means no big trip.

At the shelter, Jennifer is mopping floors and notices little Chloe’s shoes with no laces.

As Jennifer continues to work at the shelter, reading to the kids, cleaning floors, doing dishes, she creates an unlikely bond with both the staff and one very special little Chloe, whom she invites to her house for Christmas dinner. When Jan asks Chloe what she wants for Christmas, what comes next changes everything for everyone! Jennifer finally has a deeper understanding of the importance of love for family and humanity, and discovers the true meaning of Christmas.

This film is Dove-approved for All Ages.

The Dove Take:

This beautiful inspiring film is based on the novel by Craig Beuhner that garnered 4.5 stars out of 5, and now his talent is highlighted on the screen as the perfect movie to watch at Christmastime with your entire family, especially with teenagers in your midst!

Dove Rating Details


Christmas dinner and Dad says grace.




Teenagers discuss cute boys.


Jennifer calls her little brother a “twerp.”








Sadness in that Mom has a serious form of cancer requiring more than one procedure. Ruthie and Vinegar Ben banter back and forth calling each other “stupider than a box of hammers” and “every time your mouth opens, an idiot talks”… then both laugh, sharing in their true, caring friendship.

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