Approved for All Ages

A Very Country Christmas Homecoming

Country singer superstar Zane Gunter (Greyston Holt) just wants to protect his new family from unwanted publicity. But a confrontation with the paparazzi, and his step-daughter’s absentee paternal grandfather arriving unexpectedly, Zane knows he will need a lot of help to create the lifestyle he wants for those he loves.

Negative Rating
Positive Rating

Dove Review

**This review is contributed by Super Channel—a channel dedicated to providing integrity and accountability in today’s entertainment.

Based on a 2011 Harlequin Montana Mavericks novel, “His Country Cinderella” by Karen Rose Smith, A Very Country Christmas Homecoming is a charming family movie starring country music singer-songwriter Deana Carter as Jolene.

Music legend Zane Gunther and Jeanette (Bea Santos), widowed mother of a young daughter Quinn, are just married. Zane brings out the adoption papers and is planning the perfect time to give Quinn the news. When John, Quinn’s absentee paternal grandfather, arrives unexpectedly, everyone is in a bit of shock. Jeannette wants an explanation — and no birthday cards for Quinn, no contact. When Oliver died, she needed John and he was nowhere. But he is here now and is asking for forgiveness.

Cake, an ambitious self-important teen idol, is cute and talented but annoying, and Jolene is not impressed when she is asked to sing backup for Cake. But with thousands of online followers, this will be good for Jolene’s career as well.

When an aggressive paparazzi makes a motion to photograph Quinn, Zane interferes and the camera falls to the floor. BIG news item! The photographer is on camera with a neck brace and his arm in a sling and accuses Zane of assaulting him. The footage has been edited completely out of context and the photographer continues to embellish his story and gather sympathy. Paparazzi are hounding Zane, PR team is freaking out … Zane is not sure he can protect Jeanette and Quinn — but when he gets help from the most unlikely person and the truth is revealed, and John gives his blessing for the adoption, it’s going to be a very special Christmas for everyone!

John is very moved and emotional when he is permanently welcomed into the family with a most generous offer from Zane and Jeanette. But the greatest gift of all comes in two parts – Quinn’s adoption, and the most precious gift that only Zane and Jeanette can give to each other. The movie is Dove-approved for all ages.

The Dove Take:

Everything about this movie is pure delight. The abundance of beautiful music, the story of forgiveness, kindness and acceptance, the new memories after heartbreaking loss, all bringing together a family that takes care of each other through pure love.

Dove Rating Details


Religious Christmas carols are sung; Jolene’s church group makes gifts for the needy.


Zane angrily knocks camera out of paparazzi’s hands when he tries to photograph Quinn.


Gentle kissing and hugging.




Zane angrily knocks camera out of paparazzi’s hands when he tries to photograph Quinn.


Alcohol consumption but no abuse or bad behavior.




Brief innuendo but no further follow-up: “Sweet doesn’t keep the lights on in a marriage … if you know what I mean …”

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