Approved for All Ages

Brainy Bubbly Bug Buddies: Potato Sprouts

Rusty the Ant, finds himself a potato in the dumpster. Cosmo the Fly Joe Croaker the Frog, snatch Rusty's potato in the middle of the night. Joe and Cosmo decide to bury the potato in the soil to keep it safe. Rusty returns to them every day and questions them about the location of the potato. But the two insist that they don't know anything about it. One day Joe Croaker is hungry and decides to dig up the potato. Although, the potato appears to have sprouted, the frog and fly start feasting on the growing potato. Joe and Cosmo become very ill after their meal. Bartle Bee suggests that it's probably food poisoning, and that they should vomit if they want to feel better. Even Rusty helps the two thieves get rid of the poison. The lesson learned is to never eat a potato with sprouts.

Negative Rating
Positive Rating

Dove Review

A warm and friendly female voice welcomes the viewers, the “young explorers”, to the marsh, a paradise for many insect species. “Insects are really quite curious creatures,” we are told. The action kicks in immediately, when a honeybee, Bartleby, leaves his hive. This short film brings the creepy crawlies to life and features intriguing scenes such as two bugs dueling with swords! But it’s not all fun and games, as the movie is educational as well. There is a lesson to be taught about sprouting potatoes.

An ant, Rusty, has found a potato. He is a military ant, who goes strictly “by the book”, but when Cosmo the fly wakes up Joe Croaker, the bullfrog, they both eye the potato with hunger in their eyes and in their voices. When Cosmo keeps buzzing around Joe, Joe threatens to eat him, but Cosmo promises Joe a tasty treat, the potato. Joe’s silly laugh at his excitement will have the viewer laughing right along in delight.

Joe and Cosmo manage to swipe the potato and hide it. The movie features vivid and bright colors, not to mention some toe-tapping songs that incorporate fun lyrics such as, “Clap, clap and shout—we’re going to show what adventure’s all about!” Rusty, the ant nemesis, accuses Joe and Cosmo of pilfering the potato and tells them it is “military property.”

When Joe and Cosmo get a moment, they dig up the potato. Despite having some green sprouts on it, Joe digs in and eats some immediately. So does Cosmo. And soon, neither one of them are feeling well. Their theatrical cries and whining are hilarious! But a valuable lesson is learned. They learn the potato was toxic due to the fact it was still sprouting and wasn’t ready yet for their consumption.

Without giving all the plot or ending away, this fun-filled movie features both entertainment and educational value and has merited our Dove seal for All Ages.

The Dove Take:

You and your children will learn and laugh at this wonderful animated movie which features delightful characters and upbeat music.

Dove Rating Details




Just a friendly duel of swords between two insects.




“Tarnation!”; “Stupid Army Ant”; “Clever little maggot”


Just a friendly duel of swords between two insects.


A sprouting potato is toxic, unknown to a couple of characters who get sick but survive.




A lesson is taught as two characters become sick after eating a sprouting potato; belching.

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