Hollywood has often attempted to bring the off-screen lives of its greatest movie stars to audiences via dramatic made-for-TV movies. Although these films usually garner ratings, they seldom capture the essence of the phenomenon they are depicting. This production, however, comes close to capturing the qualities that made Audrey Hepburn famous. Now, don’t get too excited. Just as talent scouts will never find another John Wayne or Cary Grant, there will never be another Audrey Hepburn. But little Jennifer Love Hewitt is charming, a gifted presence in her own right. What’s more, she can act! She’s still very young, and needs time to season, but Ms. Love Hewitt radiates and entertains. This film reminds us of the fantastic movies Audrey Hepburn was associated with, and it successfully dramatizes the background of this genuine star. Although the film claims Audrey was having an affair with married William Holden, it contains no gratuitous sex or profane language. This is one autobiographical film that is nearly as elegant as its subject.
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