Folks, after five minutes of this dark, unnerving program, I felt a leading to turn it off. Now, I don’t say that lightly. Nor do I do that often. So this is not a review, per say. But, it is my belief that the Holy Spirit was nudging me to turn it off. Whether it was the Comforter or not, I know I did not want to hear the morbid details of gruesome crimes perpetrated by the likes of Ted Bundy and others. Nor, after reading the biographies in my press notes, did I feel that the speakers were going to teach me anything. There is a huge section in bookstores dedicated to publications on the background and detailed acts of serial killers. There must be a readership for this kind of literature, but it escapes me. That is not a judgment call. But I already know there is evil in this world. Viewing monstrous deeds won’t help me in my spiritual walk. Spending time with God’s Word will be more insightful than with a rock musician who claims to worship the Anti-Christ, or a writer who has empathy for demons.
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