Now, own up. Your first reaction when you saw the title was one of religious concern, right? I agree that we shouldn’t be digesting programming bent on making sorcery a benevolent force. And I normally put concern for witchcraft above other objectionable material. Like most comic book heroes who gain supernatural power, this one does deal with occultic language. However, it’s all so nonsensical that I doubt anyone viewing this made-for-TV movie will switch to a New Age lifestyle. What’s even more off-putting is the amount of violence the film presents. The gloomy premise has our heroine fearing for her sanity while she seeks vengeance for the murder of her best friend, a hooker with a drug habit, the murder of her legendary cop father, and the murder of her police partner. From commercial to commercial, “Witchblade” is jammed with martial arts battles, in-your-face shootings, explosions, motorcycle chases, and choreographed fight scenes in slow and stop motion, ala “The Matrix.” The fight scenes are endless. Although the subject of violence on television has been debated to death, boob-tube brutality is becoming more graphic. This, despite the amounts of deadly crimes committed by TV’s main audience, children. In my opinion, this film drenches impressionable minds with overwhelming images of destructiveness. I cannot support a film that seems violent for violence’s sake.
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